API,Application Programmable Interfaces AR/VR,Augumented Reality / Virtual Reality ARPU,Average Revenue Per User BBF,Broadband Forum BBU,Baseband Unit BEMECS Basic, Economic, Market, Enterprise, Consumer, Spectrum indicators BYO (X), Bring-Your-Own-X CBRS, Citizens Broadband Radio Service CDN, Content Delivery Network Cloud RAN, Cloud Radio Access Network COTS, Commercial Off-The-Shelf CPE, Customer premises equipment CSFB, Circuit Switched Fallback CVC, Corporate Venture Capital DAS, Distributed Antenna Systems DL, Deep Learning eMBB, Enhanced mobile broadband EMF, Electromagnetic field EPC, Evolved Packet Core ETSI, European Telecommunication Standards Institute FTTH/P, Fibre-To-The-Home/Premises FWA, Fixed Wireless Access Gbps, Gigabits per second GCC, Gulf Cooperation Council GDP, Gross Domestic Product GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation GEO, Geosynchronous GHz, Gigahertz GST, Generic Slice Templates HTTP/2, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 2 IAB, Integrated Access Backhaul IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IETF, Internet Engineering Task Force IMS, IP Multimedia Subsystem IMT, International Mobile Telecommuincations IoT,Internet of Things IT, Information Technology ITU-R, International Telecommunications Union Radiocommunications Sector JSON, JavaScript Object Notation KT, Korea Telecom LEO, Low Earth Orbit LPWA, Low Power wide Area LTE, Long Term Evolution LTE–M ,LTE –for Machines MEC, Multi-access Edge Computing MENA, Middle East and North Africa MHz, Megahertz MIMO, Multiple input Multiple output MW, Megawatts NB-IoT, Narrowband – Internet of Things NDAF, Network Data Analytics Function NEF, Network Exposure Functions NFV, Network Function Virtualization NFV/SDN, NFV/software defined network NPV, Net Present Value NR, New Radio NSA, Non- standalone OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer OFCF, Operational Free Cash Flow OFDMA, Orthogonal Frequency Division Mulitple Access OPEX, Operating Expenditure OTT, Over The Top PC, Personal Computer PMP, Point–to–Multipoint